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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

What makes a good entertainment logo?

It’s not enough for your logo to just be entertaining. Your logo has to communicate who you are, what you do and why your target audience cares. Once you’ve got your brand identity down, your need to flesh out unique ideas that will work for your logo.

Because you’re in the entertainment industry, you’ve got pretty wide leeway to get weird with your logo. Compare it to, say, the financial services sector. Financial services logos have to communicate knowledge of the best financial practices, trustworthiness and financial security.

As an entertainer on the other hand, your logo needs to communicate that you make audiences feel things. You might make them laugh, you might make them examine their lifestyles, you might make them cry, you might make them sit on the edge of their seat. You need to assure them that they’ll feel the emotion they’re after. A good entertainment logo captures that.

Study the logos used by other brands in your specific section of the entertainment map to see what might work for you. Take cues from them, but be careful not to stick to any of these logo ideas too closely—there’s a fine line to dance between fitting in and getting lost in the crowd.

You want to make your brand stand out from its competitors, but you also want your logo to make sense to your audience and to let them get a sense of what you do and what they can expect from your brand. Read on for some inspiration, so you can get it just right!

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