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Monday, April 1, 2019

Investigating a Brand Identity

Investigating a Brand Identity

It is easy to hire a graphic designer and writer to assist in the creation of the branding elements. But, significant time, money and energy will be lost if a well thought out plan isn’t created first. The first place to start is with a SWOT analysis (detailed SWOT Guide here). When evaluating the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to a company, it is crucial to be brutally honest. Inflation of successes and marginalization of limitations will set this project up for failure.
A thorough review of the business should include what it accomplishes, how products and services are delivered, why it exists and what it makes it different from competitors. Also consider the target audience, what their top concerns are and how the business can help. Be careful not to quickly reject an idea as ridiculous during this brainstorming phase. An off-the-wall suggestion, once examined, often has practical applications.
When the list is able to be narrowed down to the three best ideas, a focus group of five to ten people should be assembled to gauge their reactions, perceptions, misconceptions, connotations, feelings and general opinions. A separate focus group of staff and board members, as well as current customers, should also be gathered.

Thank You........

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