Font Color Codes: Understanding Hex and RGB codes
What is (#FF0000), (#00FF00), (#0000FF)? If you answered Red, Green and Blue HTML font color codes, then you would be correct. How about (#00FFFF), (#FF00FF), (#FFFF00)? The first is Cyan or blue/green, the second Magenta or red/blue and the third Yellow or red/green.
As you design your web page, how important do you think color is in communicating your brand or message? Crucial. Visitors to a website are typically engaged, interacting with images and content. As a designer, creating an atmosphere online, or an experience if you will, is initially prompted by color and design. This makes the need to understand font color codes extremely important.
On the web, font color codes, also referred to as HTML font color codes, are created using Hexadecimal triplets or Hexadecimal notations for RGB values denoting red, green and blue colors - (#RRGGBB). Web browsers read HEX codes as notations that begin with the pound sign - # - followed by two digit RGB values. Each follows a color intensity code with 00 signifying the least amount of color present to FF, which notes the highest amount of color present. Each color has a range from 0 to 255 for a total of 256. The possible color combinations is staggering – over 16 million!
Quiz #1: What color is (#000000)?
Answer: These numbers represent the absence of any color so that font color code would correspond to black. Similarly, the HTML font color code that represents the highest intensity of color is (#FFFFFF), which becomes white.
Quiz #2: What is the HTML code for font color for the following: Cyan (blue/green), Magenta (red/blue) and Yellow (red/green)?
1) (#FFFF00)
2) (#00FFFF)
3) (#FF00FF)
Answer: 1) Yellow; 2) Cyan; 3) Magenta;
Font Color Charts with Names
If you don’t need 16 million different colors, there are some easier ways to insert font color code into your design. A color chart with names of basic colors can be found in Color Inspirations: More than 3,000 Innovative Color Palette Ideas. Web browsers can read 16 basic color names that can be inserted as HTML tags instead of a font color code - aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow. Not only does Color Inspirations include over 3200 color palette ideas, it also offers a color numbers chart. A bonus CD allows you to import every color palette from Color Index and Color Index 2 directly into into InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. The color numbers chart includes codes for CMYK and RGB, as well as HTML code for font color or HEX.Pantone Font Color and HEX Color Codes
As a designer, color comes in all shades, codes, and names. It’s entirely possible that you could end up with a color chart with names, a Pantone colors chart, and even several HTML color charts, or you can just invest in the Pantone® Plus Series Color Bridge® Guides Coated & Uncoated Set and Supplements (336 New Colors). These color guides show all necessary color codes – RGB, CMYK, HEX and of course Pantone. Colors are shown as the would appear on coated and uncoated paper with the various codes printed adjacent to it the color example. Expanding your library beyond a Pantone colors chart is more productive and organized than having several color code guides, especially if you design for all forms of media and need to code accordingly. This Pantone® Plus Series Color Bride® includes a set of two fan guides for all the Pantone Solid colors (coated and uncoated), a color index, a lighting evaluation tool, and a digital image color-correction tool. The Pantone Color Management System is also provided in this comprehensive Pantone bridge package.Font Color Codes Design
Once you’re ready to create, remember to continue to inspire your creativity as often as possible. Author Patrick McNeil’s, The Web Designer’s Idea Book, Volume 3 is filled with examples of “Best in Class” websites and serves as a great resource for finding plug-ins and tools to enhance your work. This third volume of one of the bestselling books on web design is filled with more than 600 themes and trend examples on website creation.Thank You........
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