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Thursday, April 11, 2019

How to Font Formats

Ultimately, what’s inside a font depends on its format. The word format has two
meanings in computer type. First, it can refer to the platform for which the font
was designed. For example, two fonts with the same data for the same typeface
may have different file formats depending on whether they’re designed for use
on an Apple Macintosh or a Windows pc. Until the development of the Open-
Type font format, fonts were created to meet the data-structuring needs of one
platform or the other, and a font designed for one machine would not work
on the other. A single OpenType font file will work on either a Mac or a pc.
Another kind of font format reflects how the typographic information
itself is described and organized. The three leading font formats today are
PostScript, TrueType, and OpenType.

Post By Computer Zoom Design



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