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Monday, May 20, 2019

ways designers can embrace personalization in 2019

I an admission to make: I don’t pay for my own Netflix account.
While I’ve embraced many of the responsibilities of adulthood—paying my own rent, waking up before 8am, and spending my hard earned cash on copious amounts of avocado toast—I’ve somehow avoided the illustrious $11 monthly charge for Netflix.
I share an account with my family, and the reason I’m fine with sharing my account is that Netflix allows each user to create a persona. When I log in, I can click my name, and confidently know that my content feed is updating based on what I’ve rated highly and enjoyed watching in the past.
You see, my feed is directly personalized for me (not for my dad, not for my sister, not for my old college roommate with my login).
Anyways, the point I’m driving home is that Netflix has a lot of data on their users. And they use it well—personalizing every experience and making the site more engaging.
When you start watching Roma on your iPad or an episode of Parks & Recreation on your TV, you can be confident that Netflix is utilizing both demographic data (your job, location, age, etc) alongside more specific user activity data (your watch history, past ratings, device type, location, etc).
Thank you
Post by computer zoom design      


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