Typography Inspiration
I think the phrase “typography inspiration” is redundant. Of all the topics I write about, typography is by far one of the most beloved. Typography design is inspiring! And frankly, I love typography as well.Vintage typography is at the top of the interest pyramid, followed by kinetic typography, or moving type, made famous by graphic designer Saul Bass’ opening sequences in Alfred Hitchcock films. There’s even some incredible designers that offer free typography.
Typography Fonts
If you have a reverence for typography design and you just can’t seem to get enough of typography fonts or typography art, you will find Mastering Type an indispensible reference guide. Author Denise Bosler has cultivated a strong following since she published the book more than a year ago. She begins with an overview on the history of typography including terms and definitions such as kerning, leading and tracking. Mastering Type serves as a typography tutorial with over 200 color illustrations - truly a typography inspiration! Bosler offers information on web typography and showcases how to become a typography generator. Many designers today have gone on to become typographers, offering free typography to entice new audiences to their paid masterpieces. Mastering Type is available both as an ebook and a ha
Typography Design
In the paperback book, Handmade Type Workshop, author Charlotte Rivers offers “tips, tools and techniques for creating custom typography.” If you’ve been searching for a typography tutorial that can get you comfortable with creating typography art and typography posters, you will cherish this book. Typography tutorials cover custom type as well as 3D and illustrated typography fonts. Rivers also includes a gallery of handmade type items, a veritable typography inspiration tool for creating custom projects. Other typography tutorials include digital lettering, and photographing found type such as vintage typography. If you plan to go out and set the world on fire, make sure you know how to create activist typography posters!If you’ve ever finished a graphic design project and thought to yourself, “I love typography,” then you’ll enjoy this compilation of the best articles on typography - HOW’s All About Type Bundle. The bundle includes 12 articles on everything from kinetic typography, web typography and tips on creating an influential typography poster. You will become a typography generator in no time.
Post By Computer Zoom Design
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